Comments from June 2018 Edition

Trenton's Jews - June 2018 Richard Hochman 4:29 PM (15 hours ago) Every time I see old Trenton photographs I want to say Kaddish for the city. It really was a great town to grow up in-and you do a wonderful job bringing back memories. Thank you. All the best Dick Sent from my iPhone Trenton's Jews - June 2018 Barry Troll 6:20 PM (14 hours ago) to me My sister Sheila was one year later Barry Eileen Wolkstein 6:30 PM (13 hours ago) to me Confirmation class picture. Wow!! I know many and will send to later but I’m next to Jill Rosmarin in last row of females. Sent from my iPhone 3 of 5 Re: [Jr. High School #3, Trenton NJ/Come...