Cemetery Project: Re-setting each gravestone at the cemeteries of the Greater Trenton Jewish Cemetery Project (GTJCP) is a costly proposition.

Re-setting each gravestone at the cemeteries of the Greater Trenton Jewish Cemetery Project (GTJCP) is a costly proposition. It takes a team of 2-3 people up to 90 minutes for each stone, using specialized equipment and skills. The cost ranges as high as $350 per gravesite. To afford this, GTJCP counts on donations, from $18 to $1,800 or more, from members of our Jewish Community. Donations may be made online at www.GTJCP.org/donate or by mail to: GTJCP ℅ R.Stark, PO Box 5315, Princeton, NJ 08543. This is a sequence showing the repair of a gravestone: Photo 1 - Lift stone from base Photo 2 — Level the base footing Photo 3 Replaced base and stone