Comments Trenton’s Jews - January 2022

Trenton’s Jews - January 2022 mortjudyevans to me Hello Art, Thanks again for sending the most informative emails. Two items from today's links. (1) When I transferred to Trenton CHS in 1956, I was made to take another IQ test in the Guidance office alongside a young lady of Greek extraction. One of the vocabulary words on the test is to be defined as a synagogue. Of course, I defined it correctly, but she got it wrong. She told the proctor the word meant meeting-house, and of course, she was correct but wrong. (2) In 1985 when I was in Germany during my internship at the Eye Hospital in Bonn, I was befriended by a Jewish local at the city's synagogue. One day while we were looking up the areas from where the German names originated this is what he told me. Germans, not Jewish, were given the first choice to take surnames at a monetary cost. Of course, the best or nicest were taken at a graduated higher cost. The Jews were then given the nam...