Mailbox April 2018

Eileen Wolkstein
Jan 6 at 8:35 AM
Dear Arthur,

As a native Trentonian,  née Cohen, I read your book with great interest and appreciate all your work. It was a fun and enlightening read. I learned much and loved seeing names from my past. I also have some questions that you might be able to address 
and information not in the book that you can share.  I am in the midst of a family history very tied to Trenton.

The chains that I am pursuing are Greif, Milbach and Cohen. 

On page 110 for example you mention Isaac Dohan as a butcher. My grandFather Isaac Cohen was a butcher. Is that a typo? Could it be one and the same? And if so what else might you know?

My other grandfather,Philip Milbach, had a window washing business and was active at Ahavath Israel. Do you have any records about him?

An uncle William Milbach had a store in think on Cooper Street. Any info?

A cousin, Rose Azarchi, had a paint store. Any information?

I know I’m asking slot but anything you can share about the above would be helpful. And if not could you direct me to good sources.

I appreciate any help you can give me. 

Thank you in advance,

Eileen Cohen Wolkstein

(Not sure your age so don’t know if you know any of my extended family. Names are above as well as Fishberg and Botwinick- cousins. I graduated TCH in 1960 and lived on Greenwood Avenue and went to Har Sinai) .

Thanks again,

Hello: A probable ancestor of mine, John H. (Hammell) Ivins died in Trenton 21 Aug 1870 according to his death notice in the Daily True American. he ran a boarding house at 19 Perry Street. His wife, Elizabeth, died 22 June 1860. There were 3 children I know of: John (born 1822-24) and Elizabeth and Charlotte.
John H. Ivins appears to have died without a will. Where would I find information about his estate, particularly heirs, in this instance?
Son John was likely my gg-grandfather, who was in Chicago in 1870. I don’t have anything further on the daughters.
Paul shared a recent post in this group. Learn more about him.

Susan Mauer Lynch In the 1870 Census Charlotte is living with her father who runs a boarding house in Trenton NJ. Father John Ivins is 87 and Charlotte Ivins is 48. They are also listed in the 1860 and 1850 census. Do you have that information.
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