PROGRESS CLUB (Forerunner of Greenacres) One of the leading social clubs of the present day, with a membership exclusively Jewish, is the Progress Club, which since 1922 has been occupying a handsome club house at 178 West State Street. This organization began in November 1894 as the Young Men's Hebrew Club, with a membership of twenty-seven. Its first meetings were held in a room in a building on South Broad Street, below Factory, but later the club moved to East State Street, between Broad and Warren Streets. Arthur Schwartz was the first president of the old club, which was interested in improving the mental, moral, social, and physical conditions of its members and of protecting Hebrew interests. About 1905, the club changed into a purely social one and adopted the name of the Progress Club. New quarters were acquired in the Alhambra Building, and sometime after the Thropp property on East State Street became the club's headquarters. In 1922 the members bough...
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