Comments from December 2018 Blog

Tal Brody

Shalom Arthur,

A short note to say thank you for the nice book on Trenton.

At this opportunity, I like to wish you a very Healthy, Happy & very Successful New 2019 Year,

Tal Brody
Ambassador of Goodwill
State of Israel

LinkedIn/Facebook:         Tal Brody
Tel:               +972 35226652
Cell:              +972 523973911
Fax:              +972 35175251


Marilyn Rosenthal

dear Arthur, thank you for keeping me on your list.  I'm glad you keep so active with Jewish matters.  wishing you all the best!  Marilyn
[Trenton's Jews] New comment on Cemetery Questionnaire.

Arthur Frank

I visit twice a year to the cemetery way at the end of the street where the monuments office is. I believe it is Workmen's Circle. I REGULARLY weed, and place white stones there on the graves of my paternal grandparents, my great aunt and uncle, and my mother which are all together at that location. Arthur Frank

to Unknown, bcc: me
 You ar performing a major mitzvah. One that cannot be returned.

My grandfather after whom I am named is buried in Workingmen’s Circle cemetery. It needs work.
Re: More pictures

to Eileen
Next issue, I’ll. Include

Arthur L. Finkle

Eileen Wolkstein  wrote:

> Do you have any from the 50s and 60s?

> Love what you have in your archives. 
> Sent from my iPhone


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