Comments April 2019

From: "Paul R.Feinberg" Subject: Re: Please Join Us Thursday, May 2, 6 p.m. Date: April 16, 2019 at 5:54:29 AM EDT To: Greater Trenton Jewish Cemetery Project Thank you Art, and to all working on this Restoration mission! As a nearly- native Trentonian, I commend you! Were I not living in Har Adar, Israel, and close to Trenton I would be present... yes, my beloved parents are buried in Ewing.... and beginning tonight we observe Danessa Inez Bachrach Feinberg’s 25 Yartzeit. With success, Art, here and in all your missions. Chag Sameach! Paul Estelle Finkle Sun, May 5, 3:05 PM (23 hours ago) to Art Please let me know how it went. thank you. Happy new Jewish month! 75 attended. We are about 3/8ths of our goal of $500,000. Art Finkle Scott Gansl Subject: Last night's reception Date: May 3, 2019 at 4:0...