Comments April 2019

From: "Paul R.Feinberg" 
Subject: Re: Please Join Us Thursday, May 2, 6 p.m.
Date: April 16, 2019 at 5:54:29 AM EDT
To: Greater Trenton Jewish Cemetery Project 

Thank you Art, and to all working on this Restoration mission!
As a nearly- native Trentonian, I commend you! Were I not living in Har Adar, Israel, and close to Trenton I would be present... yes, my beloved parents are buried in Ewing.... and beginning tonight we observe Danessa Inez Bachrach Feinberg’s 25 Yartzeit.

With success, Art, here and in all your missions.
Chag Sameach!


Estelle Finkle
Sun, May 5, 3:05 PM (23 hours ago)
to Art
Please let me know how it went.  thank you.  Happy new Jewish month!

75 attended. We are about 3/8ths of our goal of $500,000.

Art Finkle

Scott Gansl
Subject: Last night's reception 
Date: May 3, 2019 at 4:04:46 PM EDT
To: Greater Trenton Jewish Cemetery Project Stern and Stark <>

I attended last night's reception for the Jewish Cemetery project and viewed your Google Docs file which lists incomplete information on my grandfather, Louis L. Gansl, died June 22, 1961.
I took the information from the grave marker because I visit the cemetery often.

Scott Gansl

Ruth Berkelhammer Tilleman
Art, can you find out which of my family members are buried at Cedar Lane .I think my grandparents Fanny and Harry Wineberg plus my aunt Mildred Wineberg and Uncle Norman Wineberg are buried there plus my dad's parents Abraham and Sadie Berkelhammer.. If this is so  I would like to contribute to restoration of the cemetery. Hope you  and Linda are well. Cant believe I am turning 75 next Monday. Time has flown. Take care. Fondly ruth

Arthur Levner
There are no Weinberg but we do have Weinberg not same first names.  We also have Isadore and Jennie Berkelhammer but not Abraham and Sadie.   Remember there are over 1400 names but not everyone buried in the 5 is in the database. 


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