Comments August 2019

Re: Trenton Jewish Historical Society AUGUST 2019  😊

Harvey Brooks 
Fri, Aug 16, 10:26 AM (1 day ago)
A close up of a logo

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A close up of a logo

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A close up of a logo

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Arthur, interesting?
Implementation of The Wysokie Mazowieckie Cemetery Restoration
Restoration works at the cemetery of Wysokie Mazowieckie.
Executive Summary:

The restoration of the Wysokie Mazowieckie Cemetery which started in 2000 is to commence 29 May 2006 under the direction of Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland.  Utilizing donations collected to date this Phase of the restoration, which is to take 3 months, is to include up-righting as many as possible of the 107 matezvoh, building a suitable monument and fencing with a gate approximately 1/3 of the total perimeter of 600 meters.  Donations of approximately $15,000 US are presently being requested to complete the construction of the remaining fencing.
It has been well over a year since we last contacted you to ask for your financial support.  We do that now with no more promises of action, but a report that we will in fact initiate the restoration on 29 May 2006 with completion of the described work (see below) scheduled to occur three months from this date.

5th Grade Jr 3

I am a distant cousin to PK, whose DNA test you manage. I am writing because I came across a marriage notice for PK's grandparents, Anna and Barnet Zagnit, that you both might get a kick out of (please excuse any misspelling of the name Zagnit). Long story short, an acquaintance noticed that a photo of the Zagnit marriage notice was posted on Facebook and wondered if I was related to Anna Berkelhammer Zagnit. Of course all Berkelhamer/Berkelhammers are related, albeit distantly. I had previously come across PK's DNA results and had noted she was a likely "Berkelhamer" DNA match. If you can link to my tree through this message, just search my tree for Anna Berkelhammer and you will find the photo of the marriage notice in her "Gallery" tab and attached to her marriage date in her "Facts" tab. If you have problems finding it, just let me know. And if you are on Facebook, you can search the two groups that originally posted the marriage notice this spring, as shown on the photo, and then just do a word search for "Berkelhammer" and the photo should come right up. (It was posted by two Trenton NJ Jewish interest FB groups. If you compare the names in the notice to the names on my tree, you'll see they're all a little different.) By the way, I believe PK and I are 4th cousins AND probably also 5th cousins. I believe PK's 2nd great-grandmother is Teme Berkelhamer. Teme's brother is my 2nd cousin. Abraham Yitzhak Berkelhamer and their father are my 3rd great-grandfather Shaye Berkelhamer. However, Teme's husband was Jacob Berkelhammer, son of Berel Berkelhamer, who is likely the brother of my 3rd great grandfather Shaye Berkelhamer. If that's right, then PK and I are also 5th cousins. Anyway - if you want more info on the Berkelhamer family just let me know - there was a big genealogy project commissioned a few years back that you might already be aware of but if not I can email you info on Anna Berkelhammer Zagnit's ancestors. Best regards, Ellen
Hi Paula, so nice to meet you! That is really too funny! Such a small world. I originally got the marriage notice because I had been on an email message with my cousin Alan (from another side of my family, not Berkelhamer) and one of his cousins who I am not related to, and it was that other person who passed along the Berkelhammer Zagnit notice. And here's another coincidence, regarding the name Finkle - my Great Aunt Bea Berkelhamer married a man named Louis Finkle. So, some of my dad's first "Berkelhamer" cousins are Finkles and and my dear second cousins are Finkles! Probably no relation to Art Finkle, but still, this Jewish geography thing can probably go on forever. ;-) I also purchased a copy of the Berkelhammer book and between that and deciding to get a DNA test I guess I got the genealogy bug. I wasn't able to go to the Berkelhammer get together in NY because I was traveling elsewhere at that same time, but I bet it was really quite interesting to get together with all the extended family. My very best regards to you and all of the Zagnit cousins!


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