Valley of the Israelites, Part 3

Fall St we found the ChickenHouse where Rabbi Rosen kill chickens for Sabbath, the Walkowotz Butcher

Shop, the original Kuhn’s  Bakery, the Balbrinsky Candy Shop,  (where rye bread was 8 cents a loaf, Bernstein’s Barn (where the kids played and Mom Bernstein was always chasing us with a broom).
Next, Wilner’s Bakery, the place where Doctors Irwin and Arthur were born, Malkowitz Dairy where the kids helped to make butter and wrap it, Kushner’’s Dry Goods, Blank’s Dry Goods, Lauer’s Barber Shop where you got your hair cut for a quarter. The Gerofsky home, later th3e Union Meat Market. Brodsky’s Hat Store where your parents bought us hat and and yarmulkes for the Jewish holidays (It  later became the Harry Harold Hater Store on Broad St., just below State St.
On the fifth block, Parker School, Fischer’s Grocery Store, Bash’s Candy Shop (Pretzels for pickles for a penny). Binder’s Bar, Vine’s Feed Store (a son became Judge Phillip Vine). Lev9ine’s Department Store where everybody went shopping.
Next was the first meeting place of the Young Judea, Davis Hall. Them, Dave and Shep Bernstein’s original Delicatessen (corned bead on rye, 10 cents AND Poplin’s Fruit and Produce (I peddled bananas with Bill Popkin, door to door.
The Union St., with its three shuls, The People of Truth (Anshe Fife) the Workers of Truth (Anshe Emes) and Congregation Brothers of Israel (Aheinu B’nai Yisroel). In the rear of Frey’s bakery there was Alex Cohen’s; gym where 3the fighters trained (Tommy West, Charlie Carter, Jesse Goss, Johnny Brennan and others.

Further, Coulfield’s Bar, Siet Store, Barker’s Chicken Market and Cooper’s Fish market. (Vic Cooper later owned the Chester Brewery and Hobby Center where the elite used to meet,
Next, the Kallach Delicatessen (that later moved to Front St to become the New York Deli), the Talmud Torah (Hebrew Day School), Olinsky’s Tin Shop, Berman’s Dairy, Kramer’s Bakery (now on Hudson and Tyler Sts. where George sill has the best bagel in own.
Hersh Provisions, Your Valet Cleaners,  the original one started by Max Pollock. Next, Eddie and Spike ice’s Pool Hall, Sufness Leather Goods and the Marion House (room $1 and up.)
There were two memorable places on Decatur St: Galinsky’s Junk Shop (where kids climbed the fence to secure the old papers and the funnies) and the Mercer Soda Company (where we cleaned bottles and drank all the soda we desired.
And finally, Market St. The Hinch Shack (where old man Hinch made pussies from, broom handles, know baseballs and sold Hokey Pokey, Now Call Italian Ice. The place was torn down to make way for Popkin’s Gas Station. Next, Cohen’s newspaper stand, The Smoke Shop and Lou Waldman’s Barber Shop (Sylvia Olinsky, the best manicurist in town).

Continuing on Market St., you came to Ben’s Deli, where all the stars from the State, Capitol and Trent Theaters used to gather after shows were over- Spencer Tracy, Natalie Moorehead, Edward Arnold, Felix. The Clown from Ringling Brothers’; Circus, Arthur Tracy, the Street singer and Pepper and Ginger (Jack Pepper and Ginger Rogers).

Next Shalom Popkin’s; Russian Tea Room (where guys played cards), the Kurland House (later Benny Hock’s restaurant where he charged customers according to status). After that, Cooper School and Dr. Blum who was everyone’s friend.
Ah those people and those places in the Valley of the Israelites.


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