
The Story of Purim
In the third year of his reign, the King of Persia, Ahashverosh 
(also known as Ahasuerus and Ahashuerus) decided to have a 
feast. It was on the seventh day of these festivities that the 
King summoned his queen, Vashti, to appear before him and 
demonstrate her beauty for the King's officials. Vashti 
refused to appear. (According to the Talmud, G-d afflicted her 
with leprosy to cause her downfall and Esther's rise.) Incensed, 
the King asked his officers for a suitable punishment. One 
advisor, Memuchan (some think he was was actually Haman),
argued that Vashti should be killed for her disobedience. 
The King took his advice and killed Vashti.

 As time passed the King desired a new queen. To find a 
suitable wife, a contest was initiated among all the 
eligible girls in the kingdom. One of those was Esther, a 
Jewish girl. Esther had been raised by her relative Mordechai 
after her parents' death. Mordechai instructed Esther not 
to divulge her Jewishness when she went to meet the 
king. Each day Mordechai walked by the court and inquired 
as to her well being. Esther impressed all who met her, 
including the King, and she was elevated to queen.

 Years later the King elevated Haman, a descendant of Amelak, 
the traditional enemy of the Jews, to the position of chief 
adviser. Haman was a wicked and vain man who expected 
everyone to bow down to him. Mordechai refused to bow 
because Jews are to bow only before G-D. Not content 
to just punish Mordechai, Haman wanted to destroy the entire
Jewish people in Persia. 

He cast lots or PURIM to determine the day of annihilation. 
Haman graggerwent to the King, slandered the Jews, and convinced 
the King to go along with his plans. Upon learning of the plot,
Mordechai tore his clothes, wore sackcloth and ashes, and
walked through the city crying loudly. When Esther heard 
of Mordechai's display she dispatched a messenger to 
discover what was troubling her relative. Mordechai recounted the details of the evil decree and instructed Esther to intercede on the Jews'
behalf. Esther agreed to appear before the King and 
instructed Mordechai to organize a three-day fast for all the Jews on her behalf

In the third year of his reign, the King of Persia, Ahashverosh
(also known as Ahasuerus and Ahashuerus) decided to have a 
feast. It was on the seventh day of these festivities that the King 
summoned his queen, Vashti, to appear before him and 
demonstrate her beauty for the King's officials. Vashti refused to
appear. (According to the Talmud, G-d afflicted her with leprosy 
to cause her downfall and Esther's rise.) Incensed, the King 
asked his officers for a suitable punishment. One adviser
Memuchan (some think he was was actually Haman), argued that Vashti should be killed for her disobedience. The King took his advice and 
Vashti was killed.

As time passed the King desired a new queen. To find a suitable 
wife, a contest was initiated among all the eligible girls in the 
kingdom. One of those was Esther, a Jewish girl. Esther had 
been raised by her relative Mordechai after her parents' death. 
Mordechai instructed Esther not to divulge her Jewishness 
when she went to meet the king. Each day Mordechai walked by 
the court and inquired as to her well being. Esther impressed 
all who met her, including the King, and she was elevated 
to queen.

Years later the King elevated Haman , a descendant of Amelak, 
the traditional enemy of the Jews, to the position of chief advisor. 
Haman was a wicked and vain man who expected everyone to bow 
down to him. Mordechai refused to bow because Jews are to bow 
only before G-D. Not content to just punish Mordechai, Haman 
wanted to destroy the entire Jewish people in Persia. He cast 
lots (PURIM) to determine the day of annihilation.

Haman went to the King, slandered the Jews, and convinced the 
King to go along with his plans. Upon learning of the plot, 
Mordechai tore his clothes, wore sackcloth and ashes, and 
walked through the city crying loudly. When Esther heard of 
Mordechai's display she dispatched a messenger to discover what 
was troubling her relative. Mordechai recounted the details of the 
evil decree and instructed Esther to intercede on the Jews behalf. 
Esther agreed to appear before the King and instructed Mordechai 
to organize a three-day fast for all the Jews on her behalf.

After completing the three-day fast, Esther entered the king's 
inner court dressed in her most royal garb. The King inquired as 
to Esther's desires. Esther replied that she wished to invite the 
King and Haman to a banquet. After the feast Esther asked the 
King and Haman to a to return for another banquet the next night. 
Haman left the banquet consumed with self importance and pride, 
but these feelings were turned to anger when he saw Mordechai. 
Haman went home, and his wife, Zeresh, advised him to construct 
a gallows. Haman joyously acted upon the suggestion.

That night, the King discovered that Mordechai had never been 
rewarded for saving him from the assassination plot of two 
servants. When Haman appeared in the court, the King decided 
that his trusted servant should determine Mordechai's 
compensation. Haman , intending to obtain the King's permission
to hang Mordechai, unwittingly answered the King's questions. 
The King asked Haman, "What should be done for the man the 
King wishes to reward?" Haman, believing that Ahashverosh 
intended to reward him, replied that the honoree should be 
dressed in royal clothing, ride upon a royal horse. And be led 
through the city streets by an official proclaiming 
"This is what is done to the man the King wishes to honor"

At Esther's second banquet Haman's downfall continued. 
Esther revealed Haman's villainous plot and the fact that she 
was Jewish. She asked the King to "grant me my soul and my 
people." Ahashverosh consumed with anger ordered that 
Haman be hanged on the gallows intended for Mordechai. 
The King elevated Mordechai to a position of great influence 
and allowed him to issue edicts permitting the Jews to fight 
their enemies. On the thirteenth and fourteenth of Adar the 
Jews won tremendous victories and were saved from the threat of total annihilation.

Ever since, Jews have observed Purim. The day before Purim is a day of fasting, in memory of Esther's fast. The fast is then followed by two days of dancing, merrymaking, feasting and gladness



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