Comments 2020


Comments, December 2020


Sandi Levy Goldberg


adding a note of history as late as 1945 there was a man who had a horse and wagon called the ragman he wandered the area of south Trenton his name was Benjamin Mintz

Maureen Nestor

Wow! My great great grandfather was a junkman who owned Trainor and Sons Junk Dealer. He had a wagon and went around and collected junk and sold junk. I guess it was good junk vs bad junk. Lol

Jonathan Weber

I wonder if he could have been related to me. There are quite a few Mintz's and Mintzers in my ancestry including my grandmother.


Ann Rosenberg 




to me

Your latest email was forwarded to me by Alan Kagan.  You are doing great work!  In the comment section, someone mentioned a database for the cemeteries off of Liberty Street.  My paternal grandparents are buried there and I would like to locate their graves.  From your email information, I think you are the person who can assist me.  Their names are Anna and Louis Rappoport.  Any information or clues you can give me I would appreciate,


Ann Rappoport Rosenberg



to Ann



Why so informal?  Have you forgotten Linda Silver's husband.


Look at these links where you should find the name and monument.



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