Comments June 2021





Comments June 2021   Re: Trenton’s Jews – June 2021


Lynne Kidsbridge

9:32 AM (22 minutes ago)

to me

YOU are adorable.. what a treasured memento ! 


Thanks Lynne


Lynne Azarchi

Exec. Director 





Re: Trenton's Jews - June 2021


Nancy Teich Frost

thanks Arthur......I love seeing my Dad (AT) in the pictures!   

SJBill has left a new comment on your post "Vine Family":

Thank you for this posting.
Our family lived on the 800 block of South Clinton, and Dr. Vine was my first dentist, probably around 1950. The building must have been brand new at the time and it still looks wonderful after all these years on the corner of Anderson and South Clinton.

I didn't have much dentistry performed, being so young, but my parents certainly did.

Dr. Vine was a good man, and knew him for most of the next decade. The office was spotless and modern - one of the first professional dentist's offices - rather than a downstairs room or two in a large Hamilton Ave. residence. His practice may have been one of the the first to use compressed air driven drills rather than old motor and belt driven.

Honored to have known him

Benjamin Racusain -God be gracoius to you who provide for the dead.        


Fri, Apr 30, 10:09 AM (23 hours ago)



Ruth Sugerman

Fri, May 14, 3:35 PM (16 hours ago)

to me

I love reading your Newsletter.  Thanks for the effort you put into it.


After being a Trentonian all my life, I'm moving out to the San Francisco area the beginning of June.  Two of my four kids are there.  One is in Hawaii and one is in Washington State.  They'll be closer and I'll be able to watch my four grandchildren grow up.


It's hard to leave "home", but exciting as well.


Thank goodness for the computer.  Keep those Newsletters coming.


Ruth Sugerman

                                Dunn Field  Home of Trenton Giants (1948-50)

Jerry Montana Bernie Berkowitz named his store there Dunfields.



Tal Brody shared a post: After 4,360 rockets fired upon her family in Israel by Palestinian terrorist groups of Hamas & the Jihad Islam, Israeli gymnast Linoy Ashram showed the Spirt of Israel and has won a gold medal, along with two silver medals at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Italy.  Congratulations Linoy.





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