Comments August-September 2021


Comments Aug 2021

Trenton Jewish History


Estelle Finkle

2:03 AM (7 hours ago)

Hello, Cousin Art.  I hope all is well with you.  I wish you a happy, healthy, fulfilling holiday season.


Be well,






Laurie Kurs



Mon, Aug 30, 9:46 PM (12 hours ago)


Thank you so much for providing these great links!!!!

Laurie Kurs


S. Warren St (near Lafeyette) 1955


A picture containing text, outdoor, water, white

Description automatically generated

Wayne Rutherford

Yes I remember

Dorothy Hayes

I remember..was evacuated from Yardley after the bridge was washed away..

o      Like


On Thursday, September 9, 2021, 6:34 PM, Michael Landau <> wrote:

Happy New Year

This is a Sukkah I designed that will be built in Princeton for the Holiday

It’s one of 12 that will be in a Sukkah Village and it would be an interesting visit if you’re nearby


I hope we can all have a great 5782


Michael Landau AIA


Michael Landau Architects

5733 North Sheridan Road  7D

Chicago, Illinois 60660

P- 609 497-0932


Paul Schindel

Have you visited Greater Trenton Jewish Cemetery Project? Please "like," comment, and share.



Herb Spiegel

Another fabulous job by the Stark & Stark crew. Go Rachel!


Naomi Lavine Hauser

Yes, I have and the committee did an amazing job attending to all the orphaned cemeteries in the area. The fencing was replaced, stones straightened, walkways developed, invasive trees removed, benches strategically placed… dignity restored. This was possible through donations only! Please visit and see the work that has been done and most of all please consider donating.


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