BobeshelaStaff, 1920's and 1930's

Bobashela - THS Yearbook Bobeshela Staff Football Basketball Baseball Tennis (not listed for most years) 1922 Afred Habas Edgar Fiestal Sidney Wolberg not listed Milton Konovitz Edgar Fiestal Nathan Lavine Solomon Klein 1923 not listed Sidney Beck Levin Edgar Fiestal Eckstein 1924 Milton Konovitz Bert Lefkowitz not listed Sidney Stark M. Rosenthal Seymour Aronson Sidney Beck Sidney Beck Morris Forer Edgar Fiestal Robert Pinerman Sidney Greenwald Henry Levin Adele Wolf Aaron Axelrod 1925 Sidney Stark Simon Sloshberg Morris Robinson Robert Pinerman Louis B. Singer Philip Albert Sidney Geenwald Henry Levin Aaron Axelrod Morris Forer 1926 Lester Finkle not listed Joseph Deitz Sidney Siegel Leo Goldman Samuel Lavine Joseph Forer Bobeshela Staff Football Basketball Baseball Tennis (not listed for most years) 1927 Joseph Forer Morris Robin not listed Lester Finkle Simon Bahr Morris Aroniss Philip Albert Daniel Rednor 1928 Simon Bahr Harry Gerofsky not listed Morris Aroniss Sol Movsovich Morris Rosenthal Bernard Breen Joseph Farkas Morris Forer Arnold Levine Jack Rosenthal Daniel Radnor Irving Wilner Lester Fisher 1929 Morris Forer Lester Klempner Lester Klempner Red Levy Arnold Levine Morris Aroniss Samuel Adler Irving Wilner 1930 Bobeshela Staff Football Basketball Baseball Tennis (not listed for most years) Harold Hoenig David Speigel Isadore Aroniss Eli Albert Isadore Aroniss Leon Cohen David Eckstein Albert Finkle Harry Kusslovitz Morris Miller David Rosenberg Esther Frankel David Eckstein Sidney Spiegel 1931 D. Greenberg not listed Sidney Spiegel P. Zeltt Max Greenberg L. Cohen Oscar Rosenthal; H. Levine Edith Klein A. Klotz Arthur Teich S. Levine Abraham Kunes Disney Safir Matilda Siegle Isabel Steiner 1932 Ralph Fineberg Meyer Bloom Jerome Levy Archie Zabinsky John Hirsch Daniel Robinson Nathan Petchat Milton Kauffman 1933 Bobeshela Staff Football Basketball Baseball Tennis (not listed for most years) State Titleist not listed Honor Society = 27% Meyer Bloom John Hirsch Harry Litowitz Henry Adler Nathan Puchat Stanley Apple 1934 Albert Bash State Titleist not listed Honor Society = 23% Max Feldman Meyer Bloom not listed Stanley Apple Bobeshela Staff Football Basketball Baseball Tennis (not listed for most years) 1935 Albert Bash (David Weisberg becomes coach of Soccer Team) 1936 Ben Olinsky not listed not listed Harry Olinsky 1937 Ben Olinsky Howard Miller not listed Manfred Levy Monroe Levy Leon Rappaport Lewis Applstein Milton Rosenthal


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