Comments May 2022

Trenton-Princeton-Bucks Jewish Hist Soc. May 2022 External Inbox Carolyn Allen Tue, May 10, 7:55 PM (13 hours ago) to me Thanks, Art. Of course you know Rachel Finkle is my cousin ( my mom and her mom were sisters) Nice article about the store. Carolyn Art Hoenig Hello Art, It would make me very happy if you added my family's name to the long list of Trenton Jewish families published yesterday in your newsletter. The GOODSTEINS settled in Trenton in 1880 from Philadelphia and the HOENIGS are also an early family. Also, the GOODSTEIN grave headstone was leveled out in the People of Truth cemetery on Pitman Ave. and it looks much better. Thanks very much, Arthur Hoenig. RE: Trenton-Princeton-Bucks Jewish Hist Soc. May 2022 External Inbox sstephens...